DAV Chapter 6 Duluth – Gilbert W. Nordmann partners with Happy Sleeper Mattress in Duluth, MN to help area veterans in need get mattresses when transitioning into newer living spaces or do not have the means to help themselves with furniture.
Past Commander’s Mark Paczynski and Shane Lawry do a wonderful job for Chapter 6 Cloth Program pick up weekly and the Chapter also store a couple sets of furniture when a veteran in need moves into a new living space and needs help starting up with basic living needs (table, chairs, bed, microwave….).
During the Holiday Season, Happy Sleeper contacted the DAV with a couch that was purchased by an anonymous customer and wanted to donate it to a veteran in the area. Happy Sleeper also donates 2-3 mattresses a year to the Chapter and thereafter allow us to purchase mattresses at cost to help our area veterans.
Below, Commander Pat Shaw, and Past Commanders Mark Paczynski and Shane Lawry present Happy Sleeper (Adam) with the Eagle Print the DAV uses to recognize community support.
The DAV Chapter 6 chose a veteran who needed the couch and helps us a few days a month with the cloth program.
Thank you, Happy Sleeper, for your continued support.