Veteran Support
DAV of Minnesota supports and advocates for Minnesota Veterans disabled in the defense of our nation
Minnesota Veterans answered when their state and nation called on them and it’s our turn to be there for them. Our statewide membership network of 32 chapters is comprised exclusively of disabled Minnesota veterans. From transporting veterans to medical appointments to collecting clothing donations to rallying at the Capitol for Veteran legislation, our members and supporters are working to ensure Veterans prosper long after they hang up the uniform.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to one clear mission: to better the lives of Minnesota’s disabled Veterans and their families.
Disabled American Veterans – DAV of Minnesota – is dedicated to a single purpose: keeping our promise to America’s Veterans. We accomplish this by ensuring that Veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them, fighting for the legislative interests of America’s injured heroes in both Washington and St. Paul, providing employment resources to Veterans and their families, and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of Veterans transitioning back to civilian life.

DAV Department of Minnesota
With more than 19,000 members and 32 chapters across the state, DAV of Minnesota was built on the concept of “Veterans serving Veterans.” Through our network of services, we are leading the way to provide a lifetime of support for Veterans and their families.

DAV of Minnesota Chapter Resources
Nestled within 32 communities, our DAV of Minnesota chapters address the needs of local Veterans and their families day in and day out. Independently run by volunteer members, they raise awareness, fundraise and create programs to fulfill our promises to those who served.

Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota Foundation
The DAV of Minnesota Foundation has been responsible for improving the lives of Minnesota Veterans since 1991. Operating as the “Giving Arm” of the DAV Minnesota, the Foundation provides the financial resources to support quality programs, services, and projects across Minnesota.